Category: Eggs

Shakshuka – Murder in Mesopotamia

Easter greetings crime readers and food lovers!  In a seasonally appropriate menu today I am cooking eggs.  Shakshuka is a Middle Eastern dish described somewhat inelegantly by Nurse Amy Leatheran in Murder in Mesopotamia as “eggs in sauce”.  Shakshuka 1

Murder in Mesopotamia – The Plot

“Bismillahi ar raham ar rahim.  That is the Arab phrase used before starting out on a journey.  Eh bien, we too are starting on a journey.  A journey into the past.  A journey into the strange places of the human soul.”

 – Hercule Poirot in Murder in Mesopotamia by Agatha Christie

Our journey into the strange places of the human soul begins when our narrator. hospital nurse Amy Leatheran, is hired by Swedish-American archaeologist Dr Eric Leidner to look after his wife Louise who is suffering from “nervous terrors”. The couple is living at an archaeological dig site very closely based on the Royal Cemetery at Ur where Christie met her second husband Sir Max Mallowan.

Friends tell Amy that a strange tense atmosphere prevails at Tell Yarrimjah, an atmosphere that most people  blame on Louise Leidner.  Louise is disliked by everyone but her husband who adores her.

Louise shows Amy a series of threatening letters which she believes may have been sent to her by either her dead / not dead first husband or his deranged younger brother.  It is these along with some other scary events that are terrifying Louise.

Louise Leidner is murdered the next day. Hit over the head by a heavy blunt object.

However, no one entered the compound during the time of the murder.  So someone in the dig party is a murderer.

But who?  And why?

Shakshuka 2

Plot Points

  • Poirot solo.  No Hastings or Japp in this one although Amy steps in to be Watson to his Sherlock.  The Poirot episode of Murder in Mesopotamia does have Hastings  though.
  • “Dead” faces in windows and other things that go bump in the night
  • Poirot jabbing people with pins
  • Another member of the dig party killed horribly but not before she can gasp out a key clue to Louise’s deah
  • A priest who might not be a priest
  • Some side shenanigans of stolen artefacts and drug abuse

Shakshuka 3There is a truckload of casual racism in Murder in Mesopotamia, most of which is espoused by Amy. I feel though that we are meant to see this as a by-product of Amy’s parochial ways and not as an espousal of Christie’s worldview.  Does this make it more palatable? It’s  definitely a case of hate the player not the game which is not always distinguishable in Christie.

Beware Spoilers

Ok, if you intend on reading Murder in Mesopotamia, skip down to the covers.  For the rest of us, let’s talk about that ending.  When I was in high school, in either year 8 or 9 we had to read a book called The Wife of Martin Guerre.  The premise of this novel (land also the movie Sommersby which was a film adaptation of it) is that Martin Guerre returns home after being at war or somesuch for an extended period of time.  Only he’s a very different man to the one who left. Not just emotionally.  He’s actually a different man.

Even as a young teenager I found this plot ridiculous. Because why does no one else recognise that this is not Martin Guerre numero uno?  The wife has a vested interest because MG2 is a whole lot nicer.  But did no other person realise that this man was not Martin Guerre?

Similarly, in Murder in Mesopotamia, we find out that murderer of Louise Leidner is her devoted husband Eric who is also her dead / now definitely not dead first husband Fredrick Bosner.

I  mean really?  I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but if one of my exes was to turn up on the doorstep tomorrow with a new name and haircut I am pretty damn sure I would recognise him long before I decided to rekindle any old flames.

It’s certainnly a plot twist but just not a very credible one!

Shakshuka 4

Murder in Mesopotamia – The Covers

There are some AMAZING covers here including a French and a Bangla version of Murder in Mesopotamia.  My fave is the pulpy middle row second from left which shows a terrified Louise Leidner in the foreground with a threatening man – (dead / not dead first husband?  Deranged younger brother? ) in the background.

Amy Yarnell Carter


The Recipe – Shakshuka

I used the chickpea shakshuka recipe from Women’s Weekly Vegetarian for my recipe.  Chickpeas are not a standard inclusion in a shakshuka however, I like them as they bulk out a meal that I usually eat for dinner rather than the traditional breakfast.  I also like to sprinkle a little feta over my shakshuka which is not in this recipe.

Shakshuka recipe


Lunch was just ready and we went in, the doctor apologising for his daughter who he saiid was always late. We;d just has a very good dish of eggs in sauce when she came in an Dr Reilly said , “Nurse, this is my daughter Sheila.”.

-Agatha Christie – Murder in Mesopotamia

Shakshuka 5

Other Food & Drinks Mentioned in Murder in Mesopotamia


May’s book will be Cards on the Table, another Poirot but this time with Ariadne Oliver who I love!




Cheesy Egg Dunk

Howdy friends, today we are starting a new Chapter of Good Housekeeping’s World Cookery.  We are leaving the shores of Africa and heading to the good ol’ U.S. of A!  I’ll be choosing a few classics and a few lesser-known dishes from the land of the free and the home of the brave starting with this Cheesy Egg Dunk!

Cheesy Egg Dunk 1

I find it hard to believe that there was a time when a dip was strange to anyone.  However, Good Housekeeping felt the need to introduce the concept  with this:

“Dunking” is an established American custom.  For any informal buffet type party, savoury “dips” are very popular.  Guests help themselves to the bite-sized pieces of toast, etc., and dip them into one of several soft piquant mixtures”

I’m not sure why, if it is such an established custom, why they felt the need to put quotation marks around the words dunking and dips.  Maybe we just need to be glad that “dunks” did not become the preferred nomenclature!

Cheesey Egg Dunk 2

The Cheesy Egg Dunk tastes like a smooth egg salad.   Full disclosure I only had 60g of cream cheese and, as I am about to go away for a few days I did not want to buy any more so I subbed in some cottage cheese to make up the difference.  My version might be a bit less creamy but it will also be lower in calories!.  More importantly, it was delicious!

Cheesy Egg Dunk – The Recipe

One thing that did bamboozle me – the recipe calls for piquant table sauce.  I had no idea what that is so I hoped for the best and added a 1/4 teaspoon of Worchestershire sauce combined with a few drops of Tabasco sauce.  I was pretty pleased with the result but if any of my American readers can let me know what piquant table sauce is,  I would love to know.

Cheesey Egg Dunk 3

If like me you are trying to lose a few covid kilos you could have some Cheesy Egg Dunk on lettuce as a low carb substitute for an egg salad sandwich.  Or, you could take it high-end and sprinkle some fancy salmon roe over the top. Ooh la la!!!!

Cheesey Egg Dunk 4

Cheesey Egg Dunk recipe

Maybe because I used 2/3 cottage cheese instead of all cream cheese my mixture was quite soft so I did not add the milk.

Just remember, if you make it…no double dipping!!!

A Little Vacay

As mentioned I am heading off on a little holiday!  I am so looking forward to getting out of Melbourne, having a break from work and relaxing for a new days!  One of the delights of the Air BNB we have chosen is that it has very sketchy reception.  On the upside, that means no work calls or emails!  On the downside,  I might not be able to post from there next week.  I have however planned to cook another recipe from this chapter when I am there.  Even if I can’t post I will be thinking of you all as I make it.

I have already packed my books – I am taking the next Agatha Christie on my list, Why Didn’t They Ask Evans, The Devil’s Picnic by Taras Grescoe and The Lost Man by Jane Harper which will satisfy my need to have a holiday read that is set somewhat in the place where I am going. We will be on the coast and not in the outback but It is the closest I have!  For the 4 hour drive there I have Stanley Tucci’s Taste all set to go on Audible!

Have a wonderful week!


Devilled Egg Pie

I had a little moment recently of coincidence or prescience depending on what you believe.  I was thinking “Better start looking for recipes for Pieathalon – that will be coming up soon”.  I found a copy of Mollie Katzen’s recipe for Devilled Egg Pie from The Enchanted Broccoli Forest.  Could there be a more perfect Pieathalon pie?  Devilled eggs are such a stalwart of retro cooking and I’m pretty sure that no one has yet cooked from this classic of vegetarian cooking!   Then I realised that the recipe calls for a mashed potato pie crust.  Which I had not copied.  Without a recipe for the crust, I could not send it to someone else to cook.  But I could cook it myself and invent my own mashed potato crust!

Devilled Egg Pie 1

And it’s only proper after all.  Do you think any of those athletes you just watched in the Olympics came in cold?  No way!  They practiced!  So, consider this one of my warm-up heats to get myself rmatch ready for Pieathalon!

The Mashed Potato Crust

Let’s start with that mashed potato pie crust  I needed to invent.  I had some leftover mashed potato.  Which I pressed into the bottom and sides of some little pie dishes. Oh yes, I decided to make individual devilled egg pies.

I then brushed these with a little bit of melted butter and popped them into the oven at 180C until the edges started to go brown and crispy, around 15 minutes.

Crust done!

Next up was the sauce that drew me to this recipe in the first place.  It is a white sauce with horseradish, mustard and dill.  I know there is no Scandinavian blood in my veins but these flavours absolutely sing to me.  I used the very last of the horseradish I had harvested from our garden.  The mustard and dill came from the supermarket and greengrocer respectively. I spooned the sauce into the bottom of the pie dishes:

Devilled Egg Pie4

I added some halved hard-boiled eggs.

Devilled Egg Pie 5

And I spooned some more of the sauce over the top and popped the pies into the oven until the sauce was golden brown on top!

Devilled Egg Pie – The Recipe

Mollie Katzen gives two versions of this dish.  I made the hard-boiled egg version but I am also keen to try the fresh egg version.  I also think she missed a bit of a trick here – why not make a devilled egg, devilled egg pie?  I am going to make MY version very soon – stay tuned!

Devilled Egg Pie Recipe


Devilled Egg Pie 6

Devilled Egg Pie – The Verdict

These weren’t devilled eggs as we know them but the flavours were certainly devilled egg adjacent.  The mix of the mashed potatoes, the sauce and the eggs was delicious and just about the most comforting thing I have eaten all year!   The hardest thing about making them was actually having leftover mashed potatoes!  I’ll certainly be making these again!

Oh, and the exact same night I made these, I got an email from Yinzerella about Pieathalon 2021.  It’s coming…



Eggs Hamine

Happy Easter to those who celebrate it!  At Maison de la retro foods, we are supplementing our chocolate eggs with some North African Hamine Eggs.  These came to us via Good Housekeeping’s World Cookery.  The book offers two versions of this recipe.  There is the traditional way:

In Egypt there are special shops selling them; there, after the eggs have been cooked for 3 or 4 hours, they are put under the ashes of a fire and left for as long as 8 hours – this makes them as creamy as butter”

– Good Housekeeping World Cookery

Never mind the pyramids and the Sphinx.  Get me over to Egypt pronto for some of those buttery eggs!!!


Eggs Hamine – The Recipe

The non-traditional version of these eggs is so easy!

 Put the brown outside skins of some onions into a saucepan of ocld water with the eggs and boil for 2 hours or as long as possible.  The onion skins turn the shells of the eggs and the whites brown.  Shell and halve the eggs and serve hot or cold with lemon wedges, salt, pepper and mixed spices”

I cooked my eggs in the slow cooker for a full 8 hours.

Pre – Water

Hamine Eggs2

4 hours –  One of the eggs cracked during the cooking but did not ooze out like they do when they crack during normal boiling.

Hamine Eggs3

Eight hours!

Hamine Eggs 4

Note, if you decide to make these in your slow cooker, the onion skins will stain your slow cooker brown along with the eggs.  Get ready to soak and scrub to remove it!

Eight hours and fifteen minutes!

Hamine Eggs 6

I sprinkled my egg with some salt and some dukkah and dug in!  It was delicious.  There was a faint taste of something – not exactly onion but slightly savoury to the egg which was different to a normal boiled egg.  I would not say that it was buttery  but the white seemed more delicate than a normal boiled egg.

I was also very surprised to see that the onion skin dye had penetrated not only into the white which became a gorgeous soft caramel colour but also the yolk!  This was startling because it is so strange to have a monochrome egg!

Hamine Eggs 5

These were nice and an interesting experiment but for me, it was a long time to wait for a fancy boiled egg so I will probably not make them again.  If I ever do get to Egypt though, I will be making a breakfast beeline for the Hamine Eggs shops!

Making these eggs might be a  fun thing to do with kids for Easter or for a science project on osmosis.

Happy Easter everyone!




REPOST – The Margaret Fulton Cookbook – Eggs

We can all take a lesson from the French when it comes to cooking eggs.  In France the egg comes into its own, not only as a simple as delicious breakfast food, but as gourmet fare as well

– Margaret Fulton

We can also all take a lesson from modern sensibility in creating an introductory photo for a chapter.

1977 says…Copper pots, geraniums, mushrooms and tomatoes on top of omelettes, more tomatoes, more mushrooms, is that some cheese on the left?  There’s definitely a teapot and some mugs and some eggs.  So busy…

MFCB 1977 Eggs
MFCB 1977 Eggs

The modern response:

MF Eggs

Modern minimalism for the win!
