Category: Europe

Fresh Asparagus with Rouille

Hello friends and welcome to another post on what posh people ate in the 1980s. Spring has sprung in many parts of the world. I have been holding over the recipe for Fresh Asparagus with Rouille for months as I think it is a perfect dish for the season. 

Asparagus with Rouille

Why Is Fresh Asparagus with Rouille Posh Food?

We’ve long considered asparagus a high-end vegetable. 

A scene in The Crown was reshot because the etiquette advisor noticed Dominic West using a knife and fork for asparagus. The proper way is to pick it up with your fingers! This is exactly how I used to eat it back in my single days. Sometimes, when too tired to cook after work, dinner became microwave hollandaise sauce and steamed asparagus dunked straight from the jar.  I just thought I was being lazy!

And I suspect that the inclusion of the word “Fresh” in the recipe title was further 1989 code for “Not that tinned garbage the hoi poiloi eat darling, we only want the real deal”. 

Rouille accompanies the asparagus. This: 

  1. Is a Provençal Sauce
  2. Is Hard to pronounce – its Roy-ee btw
  3.  Contains saffron, a very expensive spice

Any of which would send the Poshometer into overdrive.  All of them?  This could be the poshest recipe ever!  

Finally, this recipe comes from an article called Polo Partying Shot.  Now, I don’t know if you know any polo-playing people?  One of my friends once dated a polo player and he and his buddies were universally vile.  They truly believed that having more money than God entitled them to be arrogant, rude, dismissive, sexist and racist.  They were the worst!  

Asparagus with Rouille2
Dunking with Glee..not a knife in sight!

Fresh Asparagus with Rouille – The Facts According To Me

This was amazing!  It was so tasty!  I love asparagus.  My Nana’s asparagus sandwiches (made with tinned asparagus) were one of my favourite things to eat!!!! And, as above, it was one of my lazy single-girl meals.  So, I am already a fan of asparagus.

But the Rouille?  


Asparagus with Rouille4

The Rouille was a game-changer!  I always thought nothing could be better than Hollandaise with asparagus.  The Rouille blew my mind.  Not only was it a beautiful deep, rich yellow but it also had a deep rich flavour that was nothing short of superb.  It’s thick and lemony and garlicky with a little kick from some mustard and cayenne but you could also definitely taste the saffron.  But whilst it is punchy, it doesn’t overwhelm the asparagus.  

Finally, this was ridiculously easy to make! And certain to impress your friends at your next dinner party, picnic or night on the couch!

Fresh Asparagus With Rouille – The Recipe

via the pages of Vogue Entertaining Oct/Nov 1989

Asparagus with Rouille recipe (2)

Asparagus with Rouille6


For another lovely take on Spring Asparagus recipes, why not check out my Easter Lily Sandwiches?

Have a wonderful week!


The Italian Cuisine I Love Redux

Buongiorno Amici!  Today we are taking another look at The Italian Cuisine I Love by Jules J Bond.  We last looked at this book all the way back in 2012 where I developed quite a crush on the author…Bond…Jules J Bond.  And who wouldn’t crush on this bon vivant and possible spy!  I spent quite a while with Jules J last time and his tuna stuffed tomatoes are still a favourite summer lunch for me!  Today, however, will be a flying visit, albeit a delizioso one!

The introduction to The Italian Cuisine I Love says

Italy is a country where the joy of eating is one of the many joys of life”

The Italian Cusine I Love

And today, wherever in the world we find ourselves, we will be trying to capture some of la dolce vita with some fried anchovy bread and Spaghetti in Garlic Sauce.  Sorry carb phobes, this one is not for you!

Fried Anchovy Bread

Bear with me for uno momento haters of anchovies……just take a moment to look at this…

Fried Anchovy Bread

Yes, I thought that might change your mind.  But if you really, really hate anchovies, leave them out.  Add some salami or prosciutto or olives just have it with the cheese!  If you also don’t like cheese, then I have nothing for you.

Fried Anchovy Bread2

Now that’s the Italian Cuisine I Love!

Fried Anchovy Bread – The Recipe

Fried Anchovy Bread recipe

As delicious as the anchovy bread was, it was just the begining!

Spaghetti In Garlic Sauce

As the fried anchovy bread was quite rich, I thought I would keep the second course quite light.  I wanted to have pasta because last time I didn’t make any of the pasta dishes.  I chose a Spaghetti in Garlic Sauce.  This is a version of a Spaghetti Aglio e Olio and was super yummy!

Spaghetti in Garlic Sauce 1

Spaghetti In Garlic Sauce Recipe

Spaghetti in Garlic Sauce Recipe (1)

Spaghetti in Garlic Sauce 2

It was so nice to step back into the worldof The Italian Cuisine I Love. I now own a few more in the Cuisines I Love series so hopefully it will not be another eleven years before we step back into the world of Jules J Bond!

Salmon Rillettes: Sad Cypress

Salmon Rillettes4

Hello crime readers and food lovers! Welcome to Dining with the Dame for May and my take on Sad Cypress.  I loved this one!  And I also loved the Salmon Rillettes so this was a win-win for me! Now it may be a bit risky to base my recipe on the supposed murder weapon (poisoned salmon paste sandwiches) but the rillettes were absolutely delicious!  

Sad Cypress -The Plot

First up, the name comes from a quote from Shake’speare’s Twelfth Night:

Come away, come away, death,
    And in sad cypress let me be laid.
Fly away, fly away, breath;
    I am slain by a fair cruel maid.

The beautiful Mary Gerrard is dead.  Prior to her death, Mary had been the gardener’s daughter in an estate owned by the Welman family.  Elinor Carlisle, niece to the recently deceased Laura Welman stands accused of her murder.  

Her motive?  Elinor had recently been jilted by her fiance (and kind of cousin) Roddy for Mary.  

Her means?  Salmon paste sandwiches laced with morphine.  

Her opportunity?  Tea time whilst clearing out the Welman estate.  

All fingers are pointing to Elinor being the murderer.  But did she do it?  Luckily the local doctor who has a bit of a crush on Elinor brings in Hercule Poirot to determine who is guilty.  

Salmon Rillettes

We have:

  • A poison pen letter
  • Some missing morphine
  • An elderly aunt possibly bumped off before her time
  • A very large fortune left to Elinor.  
  • A mysterious figure lurking in the bushes
  • A possibly perfidious cousin
  • A strange mark on a nurse’s wrist
  • Secrets from the past impacting the present
  • Poirot hilariously calling himself a “pukkah sahib”

Such a good story!!  

Salmon Rillettes3

Sad Cypress – The Covers


Sad Cypress Collage 2

There are some great covers here – many of which contain aspects of things we have mentioned, the roses, the morphine, the poison pen letter.  We also have our first Japanese cover, some French covers, a Spanish cover and a German which may actually be my favorite.  Here it is in full:

Sad Cypress


I also want to call out this one because…what?  


I understand the rose and the tea set.  The weird green guy?  Not a clue!  It reminded me of Dumb Witness when Emily Arundell, who had been poisoned with phosphorus was said to have a luminous haze around her head.  

The Recipe – Salmon Rillettes

I based my recipe for Salmon Rillettes on the recipe for Rainbow Trout Rillettes, Rye, Cucumber and Watercress Sandwiches from Food for Friends by Hardie Grant Publishing.  That recipe is by Philippa Sibley and her book New Classics.  I swapped out the trout for Salmon and used white bread for my sandwiches.  

Salmon Rillettes Recipe

Elinor went across the hall and brought back from the pantry a big plate of sandwiches.  She handed it to Mary saying:

“Have one?”

Mary took one.  Elinor stood watching her for a moment as the girl’s white, even teeth bit into the sandwich”

Agatha Christie – Sad Cypress

Links to The Christieverse

Peter Lord, the doctor who is crushing on Elinor tells Poirot that he was recommended by Dr Stillingfleet.  He is a character in a short story called The Dream which appears in The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding.  


Other Food & Drinks Mentioned in Sad Cypress

  • Raspberries
  • Fish Paste Sandwiches (multiple references)
  • Cocktails
  • Tea (multiple references)
  • Doughnuts
  • Pink Sugar Cakes
  • Milk
  • Salmon and Shrimp Paste
  • Salmon and Anchovy Paste
  • Beer
  • Fresh Fish for lunch

June’s read will be One Two Buckle My Shoe

Have a great week!


Petits Pois à la Française- Murder in The Mews

Greetings crime readers and food lovers! Today we are reading and eating our way through the titular novella in the Murder in the Mews collection.   Murder in The Mews begins on Guy Fawkes Night, which is today (if you are reading on the day I posted it)!  To go with this most English of nights, we are eating a very French dish of petits pois à la française.  Now, I’ll be absolutely honest here.  I am not a great lover of peas.  But, there is not a lot of food mentioned in Murder in The Mews.  Indeed, I was thinking this might be the day I share the recipe for Golf Pie, when, in the very last paragraph, a meal is mentioned containing the aforementioned little peas!

Petit Pois A La Francaise

Murder in The Mews- The Plot

Remember, remember, the Fifth of November,
Gunpowder treason and plot
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot

We open with a street urchin (think Oliver – please sir, can I have some more?) asking Japp and Poirot if they will give him a penny for the guy.  Japp sends him off and the two resume their walk.  In an act of foreshadowing, Japp muses that it would be a good night for a murder.  The fireworks would mask sound of a gun shot. In an even greater act of foreshadowing, they then move on to the topic of Poirot committing a murder.  We’ll get to that one in time!

More immediately though, the following morning Poirot learns that  woman has been found dead  in the very same mews they walked through the previous evening.  Poirot wonders why Japp, a high ranking police officer,  would be called to a suicide but agrees to meet him at the home of the deceased.

We have

  • The gun found in Barbara Allen’s hand held in such a way that she could not have possibly shot herself with it
  • No suicide note
  • Jane Plenderleith, Mrs Allen’s flatmate behaving suspiciously
  • Poirot fascinated by a series of seemingly disparate objects – a watch, a writing set, a fireplace and the contents of a locked cupboard and the smell of a room
  • A shady Major

Poirot and Japp (but mostly Poirot) need to figure out – was it suicide?  Or murder?

Petit Pois A La Francaise2jpg

My favorite part of the story  has nothing to do with the plot. It is the moment when Poirot answers the call from Japp with “Allo, Allo“.  Now if, only Poirot had been in a certain café in Nouvion during the war, he might have been able to help Rene in solving the mystery of the painting of the Fallen Madonna.  I would pay money to see that mash up!


Murder in The Mews- The Covers

Yesssss!!!!  After a slew of short stories, we can finally get back to looking at the cover art on books.  And Murder In The Mews does not disappoint.

Murder in The Mews Covers

I love the cover with the green mirror image woman looking alarmed.  It is so brilliantly menacing!  If like me, you are a little bit confused Anubis on one of the covers, I believe it is because he was the God who took care of the dead.  Bottom left is a Portuguese edition which translates literally to Murder in the Alley.

Petit Pois A La Francaise3

The Recipe – Petit Pois À La Française

I used the recipe for Petit Pois À La Française from Manu Feildel’s book  Manu’s French Kitchen.

Petit Pois A La Francaise Recipe

Japp looked at his friend for some moments in silence.  Then he rose, clapped him on the shoulder, and burst out laughing.  

“Not so bad for an old dog.  Upon my word, you take the cake!  Come out and have a spot of lunch?”

“With pleasure my friend, but we will not have the cake.  Indeed, an omelette aux champignons, blanquette de veau, petits pois à la française, and to follow a baba au rhum.”

– Agatha Christie, Murder in The Mews

Petit Pois A La Francaise4


Other Food Mentioned in Murder In The Mews


December’s read will be Hercule Poirot’s Christmas.  Because who hasn’t wanted to murder an annoying family member at Christmas?

Happy reading!


October 2002 – My Big Fat Greek Feast – 20 Years Ago Today

Greetings from 2002!  This month I am cooking from the October 2002 issue of Australian Table.   Instead of cherry picking recipes from all over the mag, like I did with September 2002, this time I have cooked three Greek inspired dishes from an article called Acropolis Now.  Nice pun Australian Table.  At least they didn’t run with “It’s all Greek to Me”.  So, what is on the menu?

Greek Menu 221022


Broad Beans with Grilled Haloumi Cheese

OMG…these were AMAZING!!!!

I love a broad bean.  And you know who doesn’t love haloumi?  With all due respect to vegans and the lactose intolerant, people who are dead inside.  If you cannot find some sense of joy in the very prospect of grilled cheese?  We can’t be friends.  And you probably need to sign up for years of therapy.

Broad Beans with Grilled Haloumi Cheese


I totally botched the gorgeous grill marks you are meant to get on the haloumi but I didn’t do too bad a job of recreating the recipe as it appeared in the mag.  I wonder though, if this recipe appeared in a magazine today, would we need to have the word “”cheese appended to the haloumi?  I think not.  Apart from that though, this is a delicious dish that could appear on any table today without it feeling like a recipe that was 20 years old.

Here’s the recipe.  And…can I just say…I don’t think I did too bad a job at recreating the look of the magazine picture in my version!

Broad Beans with Haloumi Recipe

Keftethes and Greek Salad

I love how 2002 has to explain these as being Greek “Rissoles” .  Not even meatballs.  Rissoles.  The word rissole reminds me so much of this scene in the utterly brilliant Australian film The Castle.

These were great!  The mint was really nice and it made a very tasty yet simple weeknight dish! I was a bit worried about coating the keftethes with flour before cooking but it kept the meat from drying out and gave it a really nice crust!


The keftethes paired really well with a Classic Greek Salad!

Kefetethes and Greek Salad

The recipe for the Greek Salad per Australian Table had no lettuce.  My local Greek restaurant, The Paradise of Lindos, always includes lettuce in their Greek Salad so I added some to mine without even realising it was not in the recipe.  Go your own way on this!   None of these dishes are breaking the mould when it comes to flavours or techniques.  But they were all flavourful and easy to make.  They would be a perfect weeknight dinner!

Here are the recipes:

Keftethes and Salad Recipe

For those of you with a sweet tooth, the article also contained a recipe for those lovely crescent shaped Greek shortbreads which I am very keen to try making!  If you would also like to try, here is a recipe for Kourabiethes.

The Film Event of October 2002

So, you know what else happened in October 2002?

If I told you that the film that Wikipedia  reliably informs me was “the highest-grossing romantic comedy of all time” was released would you have any idea what I was talking about?  Take a guess.  Then take another because you were probably wrong.  Then, look at the title of this blog post and take another because who knew that?

My Big Fat Greek Wedding was released (in Australia) on 24 October 2002.  Starring Nia Vardalos and John Corbett (who was riding high on his role as Aiden in Sex and The City) it was a rom com about the cultural confusion that occurs when a Greek girl falls for an all American boy.

I remember being delighted by this film when it came out.  It was so funny and John Corbett was so handsome!   My clearest memory though is this one:

I fear that My Big Fat Greek Wedding might not stand up well to the test of time.  I was tempted to rewatch it for this but did not want my memories of a film I really enjoyed back in the day to be spoiled.  Was has stood up to the test of time are the recipes in the article on Greek cooking.  Acropolis Now?  I say Acropolis Wow!

I’ll show myself the door on that one!

Have a great week everyone!
