Hello friends! I made Bridget Jones’s Salmon as a nod to our latest film club event.  We are continuing to meet through iso.  Only now we meet via Zoom. It is a nice way to catch up and see each other. And  I am running out of things to watch so having a film club choice is always good!!!   Last meeting was my choice and the random category I drew was Rom-Com.   Now I am not a big fan of said genre so it actually threw me into a bit of a panic!

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My first and initially only choice was Two Days in Paris, which is a film I absolutely love!  Plus I thought, by having a couple that are together at the start,  it subverts the whole boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl which is one of the things I find so formulaic and boring in most rom-coms.  Plus, you know…

Paris 😍

And Adam Goldberg 😍😍

And Julie Delpy 😍😍😍

Have you seen it?  It hits so many of the things I love  I feel like the makers tapped deep within my psyche to find all that was good.  And then turned it into a movie!

Turns out though that 2DIP is not currently available on any of the streaming services or for rental on the Googs, or YouTube.  And of course, my fine upstanding friends and I would never stoop to illegally downloading films (🙄) so as a choice it was null and void.  Which left me here…

Until I remembered Bridget Jones!  I loved the book and the film!  I was a bit worried though because I thought at half of film club would hate it.  But, even though parts of it have dated horribly, everyone really enjoyed it.  There is something about living in iso that I think makes people crave the familiar and watching Bridge was like wrapping myself in a warm and comforting blanket!

If you are looking for entertainment, I can heartily endorse you watching Bridget Jones Diary.  It was the perfect antidote to the bad news and gloom of the daily news.

I can also heartily recommend Yotam Ottolenghi’s Bridget Jones’s Salmon!

In the spirit of not going out to buy items I did not have and not wasting ingredients I do have I made two substitutions to the original recipe in my version:

  • I had no celery so I  left it out altogether
  • I had no currants so I subbed in some barberries I found in the back of the cupboard.  And yes, I am the weirdo that has barberries in the back of their cupboard.  I am actually very sad because the little shop I used to buy them from has closed.  I am treating the ones I have left like gold until I can find somewhere else that sells them!

Bridget Jones Salmon 2

When Life Give You Lemons…

So, in response to the virus and a big drop in revenue, my work has cut hours for most people.  So as of now, I am working four days a week.  I feel absolutely no rancour in relation to this decision which I honestly think was done to save jobs.  It sucks because I am one of those lucky people who actually love what they do, and I was actually had more work to do in response to the changing conditions.

Bridget Jones Salmon 3

But my loss sweet readers is your gain because I have been wanting to post more on here for ages. Having that one extra day where I am not working means I will have more time to spend doing this.  I also am in the process of making list of all those things I said I would do “if only I had the time”  and I am going to get cracking on that.  I fully intend to make my additional day off a blessing and not a curse!

Stay safe, stay indoors and take care.  And let me know what Rom-com you would have chosen!