The very name Cabin Casserole conjures up something hearty and comforting.  Something the Ingalls family might have eaten on Little House on The Prairie.  And the recipe for Cabin Casserole from the American Chapter of Good Housekeeping’s World Cookery did not disappoint.  For my readers in the Northern Hemisphere who are heading into winter and who are looking for an easy tasty meal, this one needs to go onto your rotation list ASAP.

Cabin Casserole 1

What is Cabin Casserole?

Cabin Casserole is layered tomato and onions with bacon and chops that have been sprinkled with curry powder and salt.  I used lamb chops for my casserole but pork chops would also work.  Also, don’t stint on the salt.  I only used a little salt because I thought the bacon would bring enough but I had to add salt at the end. Having said that, for a recipe with so few ingredients, this is really tasty!

I also did not use dripping to fry my chops, I fried the bacon first then used the bacon fat to fry the chops.

I served my cabin casserole with little potatoes wrapped in Proscuitto and a sage leaf and some grilled zucchini with feta cheese.  The Cabin Casserole would  be super with mashed potatoes!

Cabin Casserole 2


Little House on The Prairie – The Lost Cabin Casserole Episode

Further to my mention of Little House on the Prairie, I can almost imagine the episode which would be called “Give them curry, Laura”.  The Olesen’s start selling the very exotic ingredient of curry powder in the Mercantile.  Nellie teases Laura that her family is too poor to ever even taste it.  A fight ensues a little like this one.  Just substitute “Your pa’s too poor to buy curry powder” instead of smelling like a horse.

Laura is required to go to the Mercantile and apologise to Nellie.  She also has to help out in the store for a week.  We see in a store work montage that she works very hard and is so polite to the customers that through the week she makes a little tip here and there.

At the end of the week, she has enough money to buy herself some candy or maybe a toy.  Instead, she asks for some curry powder which she takes home and gives to Ma.

That night the Ingalls family feast on Cabin Casserole.

The moral of the story is that hard work and not giving someone curry is the key to getting curry.

Cabin Casserole 3

Here’s the recipe


Have a wonderful week!
