Today I am sharing another recipe from the China chapter of Good Housekeeping’s World Cookery.  Pancake Rolls (aka Chun Guin) are a version of a Spring roll.  Originally a pancake filled with fresh spring vegetables, Spring Rolls were a welcome change from the preserved foods that people had to eat during the long Chinese winter.  Well, it is spring in Australia now so I thought why not celebrate the change of season with some traditional fare? 

In retrospect, I should have celebrated by ordering some proper Spring rolls from The Imperial Garden because, to be honest, these weren’t great!  


Pancake Rolls1

These were a lot of work – make the pancakes, make the filling, wrap and roll and then deep fry.  It all took a good few hours and for not much payoff.  I considered using spring roll wrappers for these but the recipe said pancakes, so I made pancakes.  The problem was, the pancakes did not really crisp up enough during the frying process.  And surely one of the delights of the spring / egg roll is that great crunch you get when you bite into that crispy pastry – just before the boiling hot contents ooze out into your mouth!  

Pancake Rolls2

The filling was also disappointing.  Something containing chicken*, crabmeat, mushrooms and leeks should be bursting with flavour.  These really didn’t taste of much at all.  *You will note the recipe calls for pork.  I do not like the taste of pork so I subbed in some chicken.  Maybe this accounts for the blandness?  

Pancake Rolls – The Recipe

It’s here if you want it… but seriously there are better ways to spend your time!  And that’s coming from someone living under one of the strictest coronavirus lockdowns in the world.  All I have is time and I wouldn’t spend it making these again.

All was not entirely lost though.  Some members of the household really enjoyed the leftover Pancake Rolls!

Pancake Rolls3

One great recipe from this chapter and one meh….do I call it a draw or make one more as a decider? 

Decisions, decisions!!!  

Have a great week!