It will come as no surprise, says the person who recently made a cake from Pepsi Cola and Peanut Butter,  that every now and then, I like to indulge in a little bit of what might be called trashy food.  Such was the case this week when, due to an event being cancelled because of lockdown, I found myself with an evening free and all the ingredients for Fish Finger Bhorta in my fridge!  I have been dying to try this recipe ever since I read about it in Nigella Lawson’s Cook, Eat Repeat but had never actually got around to shopping for the specific ingredients.

Fish Finger Bortha 1

And when I say ingredients I mean spinach.  I always have fish fingers in my freezer (for me they are one of life’s great comfort foods), onions and the requisite spices in the pantry.  But I usually just buy those one-serve packets of baby spinach from the supermarket and use the whole pack in whatever I need spinach for.

However, again, thanks to lockdown and idiot people who had stripped the shelves of the local supermarket of all the pre-packed spinach, I had to buy loose spinach from the greengrocer.  Apparently, I have no idea how much spinach is required for one meal and bought way too much.  So I had leftover spinach.  I had a night free.  I was in lockdown, in the middle of winter.  If ever there was a time for comfort food in the shape of a fish finger bhorta this was it!

Fish Finger Bortha 2

So, you might be wondering, what on earth is a bhorta?  (I am going to assume we all know what fish fingers are).  Well…the best I can figure out from the interwebs is that bhorta (aka Bhurta) is a spicy Bangladeshi concoction of mashed-up stuff.  Can be veg, can be chicken, in this instance via Nigella the substance to be mashed is the humble fish finger.

This was soooo good!!!! I was a bit worried when Nigella said to cook the fish fingers for around 25 minutes. That’s about double the amount of time I normally cook them for.  However, who am I to question the Queen?  The fish fingers were gloriously crunchy, the onions delightfully pickle-y, the rest was a spicy mustardy melange of yum!  And just look at the colours!!!  The bright orangy yellow of the crumbed fish against the vivid pink of the pickled onions, the bright green of the coriander and the darker green of the spinach!  This is not only a delicious meal but also a bit like a work of modern art!

And all that spinach makes it healthy too!

Now, I am never going to question Nigella who is one of my food heroes…but…oh lord…dare I even say it? know what may make this even better?  A little bit of raita or other yoghurty something on the side.  Just to add a bit of creaminess to the crunchy, spicy, herby, mix.

Fish Finger Bhorta 2

Actually, you know what though?  I don’t think Nigella would mind.   After all, she freely admits to adapting this recipe from a tweet by Ash Sarkar.  And in her introduction to the recipe she says

This dish says something so fundamental about what cooking is, about how we adapt to ingredients that are new to us and make them part of lives…..Honest borrowing is the natural province of the cook and recipes are living evolving entities”

My yoghurty thing on the side is just another evolution!

Here are two traditional bhortas for those who might want them:

Aloo Bortha

Chicken Bartha

And here is Nigella’s recipe.

Have a great week!
