I was walking Holly and Oscar in the park one morning when I found a four-leaf clover.  That time feels like a million years ago but it was on February 10th so only about 100 days ago.  

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Whilst I am not superstitious by nature, this felt like an omen.  Things were going pretty well.  Holly was settling into her new home with us, it was a glorious summer morning, all seemed well with the world.  What could possibly go wrong?  

Within weeks if not days?  Welcome to the shittiest year of all of our lives.  

It’s enough to turn a girl to drink!

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I was thinking about that day recently.   One of the ways I have been idling away my time is to do a heap of Buzzfeed quizzes…you know the sort…”Tell us which pizza toppings you like and we’ll describe your perfect vacation”.   Mostly these are terrible and I would be a little embarrassed to admit doing 1-5 per day but occasionally you find one that gets you right in the sweet spot.  

Such was the case with the quiz “We know exactly what cocktail you are craving tonight”.   

Turns out, I was craving a Clover Club.  Now I had,  up to that point,  never tasted a Clover Club.  But, I looked at the ingredients  –  Gin, raspberries and lemon – these are a few of my favourite things! And suddenly, yes, I was craving one!  

I decided to break out the Babycham glasses I bought when I was in Rye last year.  How cute are they?  I have been saving them for a “special occasion” but you know what? If not now, when?  I was inspired by this post on Foodie Crush to seize the day a bit more!

A Brief History of The Clover Club

The Clover Club is an American cocktail from the Pre-Prohibition era, dating all the way back to 1896.  A group of men, who called themselves The Clover Club used to meet at the Bellevue – Stratton Hotel in Philadelphia.  The Clover Club was invented for them to drink.   I find the idea of those olden day men sitting around drinking foamy pink cocktails adorable! Clover Club6

We totally LOVED The Clover Club!  The Fussiest Eater in the World said it was the best cocktail he had drunk since 1997!  Who knew he was keeping a list….

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I used the recipe for The Clover Club via Liquor.com which you can find here.  

If you like sweet / sour fruity cocktails then the Clover Club is for you!  It may not bring you good luck but it will brighten up your day!

Have a great week friends, stay safe!  Let me know what cocktail you get if you do the quiz!