So, what do you do when life gives you lemons?  Make lemonade of course!  

Old Fashioned Lemonade1


And oh boy has life given me lemons!  We came home from holidays to find a tree that was so laden with lemons that the branches were nearly lying on the ground!

Lemon Tree

Poor tree!!!!  

Emergency lemon measures were called for!  Friends and family were called.  However, friends and family were either having their own too many lemon dilemmas or were already hooked up with other peoples too many lemon dilemmas. So, unable to give them away, I started thinking about how to deal with the lemon glut of 2019 on my own!  

My old fashioned lemonade is a total classic. It’s the kind of lemonade you can imagine kids selling from a homemade stand, Lucy Van Pelt style back in the day.  Or the kind that these kids gave away to marchers during the 1963 March on Washington led by Martin Luther King, Jr.  Bless their non-capitalist hearts!

Old Fashioned lemonade is also incredibly easy to make!  It has just three ingredients –  Lemon juice, sugar and sparkling water.  Garnishes of lemon wedges, mint leaves and ice cubes are optional. 

But if you also wanted to add a little splash of booze, well, I won’t judge you.  😉


Old Fashioned Lemonade

A simple and refreshing drink.


  • 375mls of freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 200grm caster sugar
  • sparkling water
  • Ice cubes, lemon wedges and mint leaves to garnis


  1. Stir the sugar into the lemon juice until it has completelty melted.
  2. When ready to serve, fill a glass to about a third with the lemon and sugar mixture.
  3. Add icecubes.
  4. Top with sparkling water.
  5. Garnish with lemon wedges and mint leaves.


  • The lemon and sugar mixture will keep for about a week in a bottle in the fridge.

I’m sure I will have many more lemony dishes in the coming months including a much more fancy lemonade and a super sounding pickle that was in a book I got for my birthday. 

Let me know what you would make if you had a million lemons – I need all the inspiration I can get. 

Have a great week!