Do you remember that song from Sesame Street, “One of these things is not like the other things; one of these things does not belong?”  I think that many people may feel that song was made for these Smoked Mussel, Bacon and Brie tarts.     Smoked Mussels and Bacon sounds like a delicious version of Devils on Horseback.  Bacon and Brie?  You betcha!  Smoked Mussels and Bacon and Brie?  Hmmm…But, trust me on this one.  They are amazing!  Such yummy tasty little bites!

Smoked Mussel, Bacon and Brie Tarts

Mmmmm…melty cheese….bacon…how could these not be good?  And the smoky mussels combined with the smoked bacon is a perfect combo!

The recipe I used called for a can of smoked mussels.  You could use these but I used some gorgeous chilli smoked mussels from my fishmonger which, IMHO, took these tarts to next level!   The smoked mussels were actually the inspiration for me making these tarts.  As soon as I saw them I knew I had to make something with them!  And thankfully, the tarts did not disappoint.  The chilli on the mussels added a lovely kick to the tarts.  If you can’t find fresh smoked mussels, by all means, use tinned.  And feel to add a few chilli flakes if the mood takes you!

Smoked Mussel Tarts 3

I was thinking as I write it what a funny word monger is.  There are not that many mongers about.  Fish, cheese, gossip, iron and war were the only ones I could think of.  Which is almost as odd a combination as mussels, bacon and brie!

Smoked Mussel Tarts 4

Google also says there are scaremongers, fleshmongers, pearmongers and whoremongers among others.  Who knew there was a specialised name for a pear seller?

Anyway, I digress.  The other major thing I changed from the original recipe is the pastry.  The OG recipe called for filo pastry.  I’m not a fan of filo pastry for something like this.  I think this sort of quiche type pastry needs a more solid shortcrust which is what I used.

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You can find a link to the original recipe here.  They really are delicious and a breeze to make. Even the fussiest eater in the world thought they were more-ish and believe me, those endorsements don’t come too often!

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So why not flex your mussels and start bacon these tarts!!!!  They’ll brie amazing!

Have a wonderful week!