Welcome to another midweek quickie!  I was delighted last week when the lovely Jenny from Silver Screen Suppers sent me this gorgeous photo of her dinner…or should that be supper…of Oeufs Caroline.

Jenny-OC - Midweek Quickie

Jenny agreed that the eggs were yummy and they certainly look very pretty on her vintage plate!  If you have cooked any of my recipes and would like your creation to feature on a midweek quickie, please get in touch!  I would love to see your versions!

If you feel like even more cooking, why not hit up Jenny over at Silver Screen Suppers.  She is looking for recipe testers for the second volume of her Murder She Cooked book. I will be doing some testing very shortly!  If you don’t want to test but want to cook up some recipes by characters from Murder She Wrote, you can pick up the first volume here

I have a copy of this and am looking forward to cooking from it!!!  As a childhood fan of Gilligan’s Island, Alan Hale’s Skipper’s Dream Sandwich is high on my list of things to make.  As is Claude Akin’s recipe for Barbecued Honey Orange Chicken and Samantha Eggar’s Tostada Salad.  And who could resist Jerry Orbach’s Tough Guys Desert…ok..I want to cook the whole book!  😂

But enough from me, these posts are meant to be short and sweet!  I hope the week is being kind to you!
