My recipe for Melktert comes from the South African chapter of Good Housekeeping’s World Cookery and it is a baked custard tart. It is called Melktert because the day before the recipe for the OG Milk Tart went to print, someone broke into the printing press and stole all bar one of the vowels.

Melktert 1

Some people would tell you that it is a dish that originated in Holland and it kept the Dutch spelling when it came to South Africa.  However, we at RFFMT  prefer not to allow truth to get in the way of a good story.  Besides the visual image of a never say die printer triumphantly adding e’s to where the i and a had been, humming a prototypical version of The Shamen’s 1992 hit Ebeneezer Goode as he did so was too good not to share.

I pondered whether in homage to the melktert, I should also write this post using the letter e as my only vowel.

That idea lasted all of about 5 seconds – I got as far as “Here.  Melktert.  Sweet” and gave up.

Melktert 5


The Melktert was delicious!  Just the right amount of sweetness and the almonds on top gave a nice crunch.  There was a lot of the filling mix leftover so I think next time I make it I will try a deeper dish which would also mean there would be more of the slightly cinnamon-y custard which could only be s a good thing!  The recipe does state a deep pie dish!

Melktert 3

Melktert :The Recipe

Melktert Recipe 1

Melktert Recipe 2

That’s all folks, nothing much else to say except:

Melktert – Excellent? Yes!

Enjoy your weekend!




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